


伊凡·奥尔洛夫,首席执行官及董事会成员伊凡先生在研发先进材料和晶体光学领域拥有15年以上的丰富经验,他构思并完成了Scientific Visual的整个项目。伊凡先生是SEMI中国蓝宝石标准化工作组的成员,也是福布斯杂志的撰稿人之一。他是解决问题和使复杂问题清晰化的专家。在进入Scientific Visual之前,他曾在Octonus Suisse——一家专门从事钻石设计的公司担任首席执行官。





Xavier Finger, Lead Hardware Engineer

As mechanical engineer and as specialist in machine vision, robotics and automation, Xavier Finger is leading the Hardware team at Scientific Visual since 2019. With his team, he works on the design, development and maintenance of machines and equipment produced by Scientific Visual.

Caroline Chèze, Lead Scientist

Caroline Chèze joined Scientific Visual team as an R&D lead engineer in 2021 to work on the development of systems for quality control of synthetic crystals.
She has 15 years’ experience in research on epitaxial growth and characterisation techniques of group III-Nitride epitaxy in the shape of layers and nanostructures. She earned her PhD in Experimental Physics from the Humboldt University in Berlin.

Marie-Pierre Vidonne, Technology Analyst

Marie-Pierre Vidonne has more than 20 years’ experience in Research and Development both in public (CERN, High  University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland) and private sector (General Electric, DuPont, Rolex).
Her  strengths  are  linked  to  searches  and  analyses  of   technical  and market information  from  all  relevant  sources  including non-patent literature.
She also monitors public calls and helps during the phase of preparation and submission of applications.
She was also tutor at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the advanced online Course: Patent information search 
Education: PhD in Mechanics from École normale supérieure de Cachan in Paris and Certificate of Advanced Studies in economic intelligence from Haute École de Gestion in Geneva