Scientific Visual 提供的质量控制扫描仪可以直观显示未经处理的原晶体中的体积缺陷,例如气泡、裂缝和浑浊, 能够识别预抛光以及抛光后的蓝宝石、红宝石、玻璃、萤石、碳化硅和众多半导体中的瑕疵。
Ecological impact of a sapphire cover on a typical Swiss mechanical watch
Presentation of Frédéric Falise on 29 September 2022 at the International Congress of Chronometry 2022 (in french).
Sapphire is an essential component of modern watches because of its exceptional hardness. However, it also makes its processing very energy-intensive. In addition, only about one third of the volume of crystal produced is transformed into final parts. This year-long study reveals that the sapphire cover accounts for up to 88% of the total energy and CO2 of watch manufacturing. Frédéric Falise of Scientific Visual presents the results of the study and solutions for the watch industry to reduce its environmental footprint.
Media contact: media@scientificvisual.ch
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我们的扫描仪确保只有最高质量的材料进入昂贵的后续加工流程。客户可以根据需求调整材料的质量等级。Scientific Visual 为三个重要市场服务:手表工业,半导体工业和智能手机制造业。
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Scientific Visual published a case study: tracking sapphire defects across micro-LED production chain
SapphiroScan™不仅能够提高生产质量、减少生产成本,还能通过积累缺陷统计数据来优化晶体生长过程。对于Kyropolous和HEM晶体生长方法来说, SapphiroScope自动化工作站提供了一个快速、高性价比的代替人工质检的途径。与人工质检不同,所有的Scientific Visual扫描仪都可以进行校准,客观地按照客户标准执行,确保提供生产过程中和生产后快速、准确的诊断反馈。