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Interview pour Venturelab
Rencontrez Frederic Falise notre directeur et découvrez comment est venue l'idée à Ivan Orlov de créer Scientific Visual.
Scientific Visual is in Top 50 global disruptive semiconductor start-ups
China business analyst EqualOcean announced 50 start-ups that are likely to change the microelectronics world. "EqualOcean has compiled a global list of young companies that, according to our analysis, have a strong chance of growing into leading global enterprises,...
Online ROI calculator for SapphiroScan™ is now available
Need to know the return on investment (ROI) when using SapphiroScan™ to filter out the defective sapphire watch blanks before further processing?Check with the ROI calculator English French
Market for GaN and SiC power semiconductors to top $10 billion in 2027
According to IHS Markit report, the emerging market for silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power semiconductors is expected to reach nearly $1 billion in 2021, energised by demand from hybrid and electric vehicles, power supplies and photovoltaic (PV)...
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